Board of Directors
The Board of Directors determines the strategy for appealing to the public and making them want to donate to the Foundation, ensures this strategy is implemented, makes sure they are completely transparent with donors and decides together with the Foch Hospital on how the funds raised will be used.

Jean-Louis Bühl
Treasurer General Paymaster (honorary)
Formerly worked at the IGAS
Treasurer General Paymaster (honorary)
Formerly worked at the IGAS

Isabelle Knock-Méo
Vice President
Senior Civil Administrator at the Ministry of Economy
Former Secretary-General of Codice
Senior Civil Administrator at the Ministry of Economy
Former Secretary-General of Codice

Henri Balsan
Île-de-France Regional Director
Managing Director of Greater Paris
France and Overseas Institutions Management
Île-de-France Regional Director
Managing Director of Greater Paris
France and Overseas Institutions Management

Guillaume d’Hauteville
General Secretary
Vice-Chairman of Access Industries
Vice-Chairman of Access Industries

Jean-Sébastien Letourneur
Deputy General Secretary
Honorary President of UNIDEN
Honorary President of UNIDEN

Dr Brigitte Bonan
President of the Medical Committee of the Foch Hospital Establishment
Head Pharmacist
Head Pharmacist

Christian Dupuy
Mayor of Suresnes
Vice President of the Hauts-de-Seine Board and of the Regional Board of la Défense in Western Paris
Vice President of the Hauts-de-Seine Board and of the Regional Board of la Défense in Western Paris

Alexandra Fourcade
Hauts-de-Seine Departmental Councillor
First Deputy Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine
First Deputy Mayor of Neuilly-sur-Seine

Olivier Joël
President of Cité des Fleurs-Diaconesses

Marie Nugent-Head
President of Printempia Corp

Alain de Polignac
Director of the French Association Ordre de Malte
Chemical engineer – oenologist
Chemical engineer – oenologist

Michaël Segalla
Management Professor at HEC Paris

Antoine Treuille
Corporate Director of the French-American Foundation United States

Jean-Paul Vermès
President of VMS France
Deputy Vice President of the Paris-Ile de France Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Deputy Vice President of the Paris-Ile de France Chamber of Commerce and Industry